
April Fools Fun!

Remind your kids why they shouldn't mess with mom!

By Brigett Lummel, Macaroni Kid Yorktown/N. Westchester March 29, 2012
I have to admit, I'm not much of a prankster. Some people got it and some don't - and for the most part I just don't!  But I have had a few gems over the years worth mentioning.  So with a little help from some great websites like and, some inspiration from a few friends, and a few memories of some of my great prank successes, here are some fun ways to remind your family NOT TO MESS WITH MOM! 

Time to Wake Up: Change the clocks forward a few hours. Wake up your kids in a mad frenzy and tell them they are late for school - so what if it is Sunday and the clocks say 10:00am! 

Breakfast Bait & Switch: My favorite attack on the hubby - switch the sugar bowl with salt. That will certainly ruin a good cup of joe and cause a few minutes of crankiness.  But be sure to have extra coffee made so he can fix a new one and doesn't go to work grumpy! Got (blue) Milk? Put a few drops of food coloring into the container of milk and watch as your child pours it into the cereal bowl. I love watching them try to figure out what is wrong with this picture! 

At the Office: How about labeling everything on your co-worker's desk (phone, coffee mug, pen, computer screen, books, etc.) with a post-it note? One time I wrapped a co-workers chair in tape (mummy-style) - he didn't think it was funny, but I did! 

Rig the Computer: Back in the day, I would crack myself up by taking the rollerball out of the bottom of the mouse so it wouldn't work. Nowadays, if you still have a rollerball in your mouse - the joke is really on you! Instead, you can cover the optical lense with a piece of masking tape - same effect when your kid can't get the cursor to move. A scream of frustration is a sure sign your prank worked! 

Strike it Rich: Super glue some quarters to the sidewalk in your neighborhood. Admire from afar as passersby try and pry them off with their fingers. Some give up quickly, but some will work at that quarter with every ounce of strength they can muster. Now that's funny! 

Dinner: Bake meatloaf in a cupcake tin. When finished, "frost" with your favorite colored mashed potato icing. Then for dessert, toast up some strips of pound cake for "french fries" that they can dip in some red frosting "ketchup."  Complete confusion, at its best! 
Clean-up: Butter up your husband and kids to clean up after dinner. AT YOUR OWN RISK - tie a rubber band around the sink sprayer and be prepared for a wet mess! 

Bedtime: After the little angels are in bed (and I use that term loosely in my house), gently pick them up from their slumber and put them in a different bed. When they wake up in the wrong bed the next morning, be sure to tell them you have no idea how they got there! 

But before they go to sleep, make sure you've made your point loud and clear by announcing your triumph in the knowledge that MOM ALWAYS GETS THE LAST LAUGH!