
Family Time Management

It's no big secret!

By Caroline Roel, PM September 28, 2011

We've all heard the expression, "There just aren't enough hours in the day." Shortly after having our third child only 14 months younger than her new big brother, I recall feeling beyond overwhelmed by the many changes in our daily routine. There were more items on my To Do List with no end in sight or so it seemed at the time.

So what did this Macaroni Mom do? I GOOGLED IT! Yes, I began my web search for the hidden manual on family time management. I felt like the explorer Juan Ponce de Leon as he searched for the Fountain of Youth. After all the research, I wouldn't have been surprised if I would have found both. Needless to say, I found neither, but frequently came across great advice followed by the common tag line "it will get better." If I had a dime for every time I read or heard this line, all three of my kids would have cushy college funds.

I needed answers and I needed them right then and there! So I gathered the advice and suggestions sent my way, tweaked them and utilized them as needed. The following tips may not apply to everyone, but at some point may come in handy. There may be a new parent, a college bound parent, a parent recently making a career move and/or a parent just looking for new ways to get things done and I hope this will shed some light on surviving a hectic day and know that you're not alone.

*Wake up a half hour before your family members and get a jump start on the day. It may be a struggle at first but the benefits are endless.

*Always expect the unexpected. A 'To Do List' is a great tool but nothing is set in stone. Don't be so hard on yourself for not completing it. Life is a journey not a race.

*Take 5! Somewhere during your day especially those hectic ones, give yourself 5 minutes of "me" time. No, you're not being selfish for allowing yourself a few minutes to reflect, refresh and rejuvenate to continue with the hustle & bustle of it all.

*Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! Get more homemade meals on the table by dividing meal portioned veggies & meats and stocking them in your fridge and/or freezer.

*Avoid a hectic morning as well by preparing your belongings the night before. What a time saver this has been for my family.

*Get a support system! We all need that friend, sister and/or group with a shoulder ready for us to cry on when it's just one of them days. Always keep in mind, it will get better!