Join Mickey Mouse and his friends at Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party, a brand-new adventure filled with world-class skating, high-flying acrobatics, and unexpected stunts!
Help them follow Captain Hook’s treasure map and look for clues in the search for Tinker Bell in immersive, fantastic worlds. Explore the colorful spirit realm of Coco in Miguel’s Disney On Ice debut, sail away with Moana as she bravely saves her island, see Belle in the sky above you as the enchanted chandelier comes to life, and sing-along with Elsa in the icy world of Frozen. Make memories with your whole family during Aladdin, Toy Story, and The Little Mermaid as the search party becomes an all-out magical celebration on the ice, in the air, and all around!
VIP Experience available. Enjoy storytime with Belle and special guest, Mickey!
Disney On Ice presents Mickey's Search Party will be at the San Jose SAP Center from February 19 to February 23, 2020, and Oakland Arena from February 26 to March 1, 2020. And tickets start at just $15! Purchase today by clicking here.
And of course, Macaroni Kid Fremont has tickets to give away to one lucky reader! Just click here to enter for your chance to win!
Macaroni Kid Fremont has received tickets for personal use and to give away in exchange for sharing this event information with our readers.