PJ Masks, a favorite animated series, takes the stage with a live show featuring superheroes, Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko, as they embark on action-packed capers, solve mysteries and save the day from the night time baddies, all while learning valuable lessons. PJ Masks Live will delight both children and parents alike with its world-class production, audience interaction, and toe-tapping tunes that will sure to have the little ones out of their seats and dancing in the aisles.
PJ Masks Live will perform at the Paramount Theatre in Oakland on January 6, 2020. Tickets on sale starting October 25, 2019 at 10am. Meet and Greet opportunities with Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko are also available! For more info, please visit www.pjmaskslive.com.
Keep an eye out for a giveaway from Macaroni Kid soon!
Macaroni Kid Fremont has received tickets for personal use and to give away in exchange for sharing this information with our readers.